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Lawn Care
Why choose an Advantage Lawn and Ornamental Program?
- Professional, dependable and knowledgeable technicians
- Customized programs to suit your needs and budget
- Service may include: weed, insect, fertilization, fungus and disease control
- Convenient schedule tailored to your needs
- Treatments for all species of turf including St. Augustine, Floratan, Bermuda, and Bahia
- Guaranteed results
When it comes to the health and appearance of your home, a green, lush landscape is essential. A healthy flourishing landscape stands out in your community, adds value and appeal to your home and leaves a lasting impression. Advantage offers various treatments based on your specific lawn and ornamental needs. We can customize a lawn and ornamental program that will keep your landscape looking its best year round.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy lawn and landscape requires a comprehensive approach. We start by eliminating unwanted pests and disease, controlling weeds and implementing a fertilization program, all based on seasonal requirements. Remember, no single lawn is the same. Call Advantage for a comprehensive analysis and treatment program.
Florida Fire Ant Control
The fire ant is a nasty insect that can be dangerous to your family and pets. They can be aggressive and will attack with vengeance once disturbed. The fire ant can be a serious health risk, especially if you are elderly or have allergies. On many properties, fire ants can be an ongoing problem. These ants typically construct dome shape mounds in sunny open areas of lawns, alongside or underneath concrete, play grounds, tree stumps, rotting logs or wood. Their nests can be flat and inconspicuous and may result in an attack on an unsuspecting victim. Fire ants often make their way indoors. If your lawn or landscape has been invaded by the notorious and dangerous fire ant, call for a free inspection and quote. If you wish to prevent an ant problem or your lawn already has been invaded, call Advantage. Our technician will recommend a program to control and prevent fire ants from further invading your property.
Florida Insect Control
Advantage offers insect control as either a stand alone or as part of an integrated full service lawn care program. Insects can play a vital role in the overall health and condition of your lawn. Common turf insects such as chinch, grubs, sod webworms and mole crickets can have a detrimental effect on your landscape. Likewise, aphids, mites, whitefly, snails and slugs can be detrimental to ornamentals. If left unchecked, any one or combination of these insects can rapidly damage or destroy sections of your landscape. We use only the best products* for treatment and control of these damaging insects. Our trained technicians know what to look for and can provide you with an analysis and a specific treatment plan to rid your lawn of these insects.
*Our environment is always considered. Some products are only used if absolutely necessary.
Florida Lawn Fertilization
In order for your lawn and ornamentals to grow properly, nutrients are needed such as nitrogen, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and manganese. For more consistent results, we use only the finest grade of slow release granular fertilizer. Our granular products will not burn and provide excellent results, guaranteed. In addition, we apply a liquid application of micronutrients at specific intervals so that your lawn thrives year round.
Florida Weed Control
There are various types of weeds that commonly infiltrate Florida turf such as crabgrass, chick, clover, creeping beggar, buttonweed, dandelions, dollar weed, sedge and spurge. Whether you have St. Augustine, Floratan, Bahia or Bermuda most weed problems can be controlled over time by implementing and maintaining a quality lawn program. For the best results, proper mowing, watering, fertilization, insect and disease control is essential and go a long way in weed control and prevention Our technicians will provide you with an analysis of your landscape that will outline a program that fits your needs and budget.
Florida White Fly Protection & Control
Whiteflies are creating havoc on ficus trees and shrubs throughout Florida and especially in the Florida Keys. These pests have caused significant and costly damage. A new possibly more problematic Whitefly called the Rugose Spiraling Whitefly are targeting all varieties of palms (especially coconut), gumbo limbo and avocado. Tree removal and replacement could cost you thousands of dollars. We can help! Don’t fall victim. Our expert technicians will inspect your property thoroughly and advise a treatment and prevention program. Call Advantage today.
In Florida there are many pest control companies that value their customers’ money more than the customers themselves. That’s not the case with Advantage Pest Related Services. We provide a high quality service performed by certified and licensed professionally trained exterminators. Advantage Pest Related Services is Southwest and Southeast Florida’s pest control service that can and will exterminate all types of pests: ants, bed bugs, bees, fleas, mice, rats, roaches, spiders, ticks, and whiteflies.